Saturday, June 5, 2010

Mosaic Covenant

The Eight Covenants of the Bible-Mosaic

This week, (05/30/10), we discussed the following:

1. The Scriptural reference for the Mosaic Covenant is Exodus 20:1-Deuteronomy 28:68.

2. The participants of the Covenant were God and Israel according to Exodus 19:3-8.

3. The key provision was the Law of Moses which contains 613 commandments and there were blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience. Jews were no longer allowed to eat animals without restrictions. For example, seafood had to have fins and scales and animals could be eaten if they chewed the cud and were cloven-hoofed. Circumcision became more than a sign of being Jewish. It became an identifier for Jews to keep the entire Law. Also, any Gentiles that wanted to worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, were required to undergo circumcision and be obligated to keep all 613 commandments.

4. The key element of the Covenant was the blood sacrifice as found in Leviticus 17:11. This was not a removal of sin, but a covering of sin. Only the Messiah can remove sin.

5. The dispensation of the Covenant was the basis for the Dispensation of Law. As Dr. Fruchtenbaum states: "It was the one Jewish covenant that was conditional and ultimately came to an end with the death of the Messiah." We see this from Romans 10:4 and especially from Hebrews 7:11-12 due to a change from the Aaronic Priesthood to the Melchizedekian Priesthood. We discussed how some of the commandments transferred into the New Covenant, (which has caused some confusion for those who would like to believe that the Mosaic Covenant is still in effect), but that it has been rendered inoperative.

Next week we'll look at the Land Covenant.

Have a blessed week.

Your Chrbrotherist,


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